B. Muze
Welcome to your next favorite adventure!

Reader Reviews of “Jovai: The Vohee Song”
Book 1 of “The Shaman’s Apprentice” series
“…originally inventive and fascinating world that once we visit, we don’t want to leave anytime soon! Some of the better characters I’ve encountered in a long time…a worthy addition to the literary-fantasy genre and a recommended read.”
“…simply marvelous… I felt a real connection to Jovai and this amazing, tragic, treacherous world B. Muze created and to the unforgettable characters… it was a wonderful read that I will remember for some time.”
“I personally think that “The Shaman’s Apprentice” by B. Muze is one of those rare books that will appeal to fantasy and non-fantasy fans alike (like how everyone loves “Star Wars” even if you aren’t a science fiction geek). It just tells a darn good story and comes at you from so many different angles you don’t even know what hits you…. B. Muze demonstrates considerable talent for penning a fabulous fantasy that almost anyone who reads it will connect to on some level. … I think the author is highly creative and has beautiful, passionate narration skills and can deliver the emotional journey into this strange, yet familiar world of magic and spirits, danger and romance. So even if you aren’t a die-hard fantasy fan, give it a try – you won’t be disappointed.”
“…simply amazing and perfectly executed, beautifully written and profoundly emotional, spiritual and magical, even existential—surprisingly so…There was a darker element that was powerful, and spoke to me on a deeper level than just a run-of-the-mill fantasy…The storyline was wonderful and even though it has familiar themes the story as a whole felt like a truly original experience and I never knew what was going to happen next.”
“…What impressed me the most here was that I thought that B. Muze’s writing style has the confidence and delightful quirkiness of a much more seasoned pro… I was really surprised to see that this appears to be her first (and only) novel so far. The characters had that elusive ‘flavor’ that only comes when they are fully realized and fleshed out, something that is not easily done, especially in a novel of this depth and magnitude of complex issues. The easy style of the literary narrative is equal parts beautiful and mesmerizing, and has a graceful patience that makes reading it an enjoyable experience, not a stressed or frantic one. … A great read, and will be looking for the next one from her soon. Recommend for teens through adults.
“… This was one of the most “intelligent” fantasy books I’ve read in recent memory, and half the time I felt like I was on some sort of spiritual literary acid trip (in a good way!) The way the action came together and all the characters, it kept me captivated, … my fingers were turning the pages like crazy! I had to see what would happen next … Lots of deep ideas here, and observations on humanity and the human condition even though the setting is vastly different form today’s world, it is very similar in a way, and relatable. Was very cool how B. Muze took so many different ideas and manage to shape them into an entertaining and thought-provoking adventure, with both spiritual and physical transformations. I’d recommend this book for fans of epic Literary Fantasy, but it would also appeal to readers who like a mystical adventure with strong writing, endearing characters, and profoundly complex plot.”
“ … Everything felt “authentic” from the characters, their personalities and relationships, even their issues … there is very clearly a ‘fantasy element’ (magic and spirits) yet so much of what they all go through feels quite real. The tension and chemistry with characters was there, but not without its complications … It wasn’t predictable at all… and it kept my attention the whole way through. Had some really dark moments, but some pretty amazing ones as well. I don’t think I was able to stop reading the last 30% or so! … intelligent, multi-layered plot … to my surprise I found myself really sucked into the story. … I feel so invested in this world and these characters now! … Will read more from this author anytime.”
“… the premise is very unique, well thought-out and executed, and the writing was excellent. … It took me awhile to get into it, but I will say that once I did I was hooked! … this book has some of the more interesting characters I’ve read lately … this author actually has a ton of potential and I can see a lot of people enjoying this. Just be warned that it isn’t action-driven, but is more of a literary-styled spiritual, ‘thinking man’s’ fantasy.”
“I think that B. Muze just made a fantasy fan out of me!! Normally I stick to more modern literary novels, or general fiction, but this was such an incredible book I had a hard time putting it down at night. … B. Muze does an admirable job of ramping up tension and giving the characters some pretty complicated, almost impossible obstacles to overcome, and once we realize what is really going on then it’s like Pandora’s Box was sprung WIDE open and the world is nothing like what we think at first. And speaking of world building… it is brilliant, and even a little frightening, but in a good way. I can totally see this being a movie, although it probably wouldn’t be as good as the book anyways. It just felt like such a big story, one that I’ll remember for a long time. Recommended for fans of epic fantasy and complex literary drama. I can’t wait to read “Demon’s Quarry” when it comes out!”
“This book has it all. Spirits and magic, sweet romance, complex drama, intellect and sweeping, vivid world with lots of ‘OMG” moments. Profound and emotional and exciting all rolled into one. Great story line and incredible detail throughout. One thing I noticed that was different about this book as opposed to others in the genre I’ve read, was that in this one it didn’t feel ‘formulaic’…. It breaks the mold in several ways. I like that I never had the feeling that everything was going to be just fine, and it certainly wasn’t. It was this constant subtle tension that was believable—not contrived—that really sold it to me. Jovai faces struggles, but that is where she finds her strength. … Ready for book #2!”
“The Shaman’s Apprentice” had such great FLOW from beginning to end. Descriptive and evocative narration, and every scene smoothly transitioned to the next, making it really hard to ever put down, as I was always totally engrossed in this story. And wow, what a creative and original plot! I’m so impressed with this author B. Muze, and how she brings so many cool elements together in an awesome mesh of emotional, spiritual and intellectual drama, action, descriptive settings and complex characters, and a great cohesive storyline. Tying it all together in a way that is readable and entertaining is no easy feat, especially with a novel on this scale and magnitude. If you are looking for something that will take you away to another time and place and make you FEEL something… this one will not disappoint. It opens your eyes to a different era and way of life that is primitive and simple in certain regards, yet still as powerful and as timeless as the eternal spirits.”
“Woah, what a ride! This was a totally unexpected for me, to be honest from the description I was a little confused just what to expect, but I was intrigued by the quality of the writing sample so I decided to dive right in. Well I was impressed not only at the level of imaginative world building and strong and creative characters, but also the sheer amount of twists and turns that were in store for me …I usually lose interest in books this long (I have a short attention span unfortunately), so I usually shy away from longer novels, especially fantasy. But I think that “The Shaman’s Apprentice” by B. Muze is one of the more well thought out and engaging books I’ve read in a while. She writes very descriptively and with great energy and detailing throughout.”
“As I read this book by B. Muze, I found myself completely taken away from my ‘real life’ and transported to another world, completely forgetting where I was (for better or worse). An epic fantasy novel with more tangents and sub plots than many others I’ve read, with a large cast of characters each of whom have their own stories to tell and conflicts to overcome, but especially Jovai – the young Shaman girl who possesses special powers and access to magic that will change her, and others, lives. Gritty, honest, deep, intense, disturbing, shocking, uplifting and empowering… Way too much to delve into here, but this is a book I won’t soon forget, and if you are looking for a unique take on literary fantasy with a historical, cultural, and spiritual vibe, look no further.”
“I like how simply and effortlessly B. Muze can tell this intoxicating, multi-layered story with well-developed world building and still manage to make a fantasy novel feel so fresh! A less talented author would probably over-write or over-dramatize to the point of being totally unbelievable. But even with the fantastical storyline we are all in, hooked on every scene, as the world building always follows its rules which is so important in books like this. “The Shaman’s Apprentice” by B. Muze was so much fun to read, with an interesting and enjoyable ensemble of characters and inspired settings. From villain to love interest, friend to foe and the relationships with the characters and the creative world-building Muze created is downright phenomenal. So refreshing to read a book that is both entertaining, yet also tackles issues that are important to address and which gives it some substance and relevance, and I applaud that she incorporated some much spiritual myth reminiscent of Native Americans and their plight into a story that is also intelligent, creative and unpredictable”
“B. Muze is most definitely one of those authors I’ve had the absolute privilege of discovering lately…“The Shaman’s Apprentice”…absolutely delivers a powerhouse of a ride with complex ideas and you become emotionally invested whether you want to or not. This one was impactful and about as different as it could be from anything else I’ve ever read. I literally cannot think of another type of book to compare it to! But the key ingredients were all there, the imaginative literary world that stretches the bounds of imagination, yet realistic to the core – even with magical and mystical elements, the descriptive scenery, the heart-pounding moments, the shocking twists and budding romance, the profound plotlines and characters who transform and change before our eyes… I enjoyed it all the way through and thought it was a great literary fantasy that I’d recommend without hesitation.”
“The pace of “The Shaman’s Apprentice (Jovai Book 1) is like a slow burn that gets hotter and hotter, then simmers, and then explodes. The story was pretty easy to follow, and I am a real fan of B. Muze’s writing style –sometimes long and complex fantasies of this length really intimidate me, but it was so easy to follow along, and even though there was a lot of storylines building, and drama constantly happening, and then with the different characters, I never once felt lost or confused. Instead I felt swept away as the metaphorical pot boiled over again and again. I loved how easily I was able to escape into a fantastical world for a while, and it is so intelligently written so as to keep my full attention until the beautiful but bittersweet end that makes us wish we had the next one already!! I am giving this one 5 stars because I honestly can’t think of anything I didn’t like, and I’d definitely keep reading more when there is some. Recommend for adults who like intelligent, profound stories with creative, strong characters and lot of magic, spirits good and bad, and romance.”
“This is more than a normal fantasy book. …This one is going down through history as a classic. Beautiful writing with a unique, wonderful voice. Amazing characters who seem so real! Lots of action – a page turner from beginning to end…The ending gave me a better high than anything I’d felt through reading before. Pure joy.”
“Muze succeeds in many different ways with this novel… intensive and fascinating…Jovai’s world is complex, layered with traditions, history, and magics…a narrative that pulls the reader in with every page they read…The story feels simultaneously timeless and refreshing.”
“Hauntingly lyrical and compelling. A fascinating blend of earthy and other worldly. This story will break your heart and make your spirits soar. Couldn’t put it down. Still awestruck long after finishing reading it. More. Must have more!
“Rarely do I get so sucked into books like this where it feels like every page is something that affects me on some level…It was such a raw and brutal, heart-tugging experience…this one got under my skin in a profound, memorable way…You can tell that B Muze wrote this from her heart and her passion and respect shines through these pages.”
“I was in no way prepared for how totally addicting this novel would be…the multi plots that break the mold and far surpass anything I remotely expected…The way B. Muze writes is captivating from the beginning and you just want to keep reading and reading and not stop…I was disappointed when it was over. I wanted more!!”
“…a well-crafted and ORIGINAL plot … hard to categorize, or even compare it to other books because I honestly can’t think of others like it … I really got into it. I couldn’t put it down!”
“It might make you suspicious that every single review for this book is a four- or five-star review, but it really is that good…one of the best self-published books I’ve read… had a hard time putting it down… You need to read this book.”
“…an enchanting and addicting read that will appeal to lovers of fantasy and literary drama, and coming-of-age alike. It is highly inventive and imaginative, with clear, crisp writing and an agaging tone. All the characters stand out in their own ways, and are fully realized and not simply stock characters; in fact, quite the opposite…Muze tells her own story in a fresh way that makes the whole experience unpredictable and interesting…and downright shocking at times.”
“Awesome Sauce! Love this book… amazing … love how the author takes you on a journey with the characters … feel so realistic … my favorite fantasy novel right now, A MUST READ!”
“My favorite book ever.”
“A Must Read for Any Reader… Amazing story!! I immensely enjoyed it so much and thought it was beautifully (and powerfully) written. The characters were extremely engaging and brought out “the feels” … Definitely one of my favorite reads…”
“What an awesome book it is. I am totally impressed with the writing skills… Fantasy and mystery filled novels are my favorite and this one was best among all I have ever read. The author has nailed it and I am looking forward to more such Fantasy stories from B. Muze!”
“This book by B. Muze was really good, and totally unlike anything I’ve ever read before! I loved how complete and thoroughly imagined the world-building was, and even though it was different than what I was expecting, more character-driven than action-packed, I really liked it. This wasn’t the typical “YA fantasy” or romance book that we see all too much of in this genre (yet this element is definitely there). In fact, it didn’t really feel like YA even though Jovai is younger, there is a lot of focus–especially in the beginning –on Yaku Shaman. But it’s okay because I feel like it’s not just pigeonholed into a ‘YA” audience, but will appeal to older readers as well. This story is well-crafted, deep and provocative, yet very easy to get swept up in and lose yourself in. … This book makes you think outside the box”
“The Shaman’s Apprentice” is the first book I’ve read from this talented author B. Muze, but I hope it won’t be the last! … I darn near gobbled the whole book down in one week (fast for me and this is a LONG book). Solid writing that is super descriptive but not so much as to kill the tension (a tricky balance to achieve, I think). … an entertaining, and unpredictable, read. Really opened my eyes to elements of historical/primitive/ almost like Native American mythology and cultural spirituality that I had never read in a book like this before, … this is an impressively profound and intelligent book”
It is incredibly written with some of the most interesting and compelling characters I’ve read in a long time, and it’s obvious the author is very talented…I did appreciate the risks the author took and made her book have much more substance and depth than most I’ve read…I actually feel like I learned a lot and opened my eyes to some ancient cultural and spiritual connections that I never really read in a fiction fantasy before…a good story with an original plot, great world-building with some really unique ideas and a surreal, philosophical approach to the story and interesting characters—especially Jovai and her wonderful character development. )
This novel by B. Muze was amazing! Once I started reading I didn’t want to stop until I’d finished the whole thing which was really hard because this book is really long [[but worth the time]]. It sucks you in from the beginning, and I enjoyed the author’s descriptive narrative and style of writing. It is very literary and descriptive, but not ‘flowery’ or with purple prose that happens so often [[which I cannot stand]]. The storylines were well-developed and certainly not predictable, and there were so many aspects to this book that appealed to me on an emotional, creative, spiritual, and intellectual level. The way this book was written grabbed me right from the beginning and kept my attention throughout. It was intelligent, weird, sad, dark, deep, tragic, suspenseful, and with profound spiritual elements – not religious, but more of an ancient, primitive feel with shamans and gods and magic in the day-to-day [like Voodoo but not…] And while the beginning may have more setup than action, the tension continues to build throughout especially with learning Jovai’s true nature and destiny as she changes and grows, and the ending will definitely leave you wanting more! An interesting read, one that will test the limits of your imagination and take your mind to new places. This is just the first in the series so I’d love to read more when book #2 is available! Recommend for teens through adults.”
“This book was great, although I admit at first I wasn’t sure if I was going to like it. The beginning is a little slow and confusing, but as the story revealed itself, I was impressed with the vivid descriptions and a well-crafted and ORIGINAL plot – so hard for this genre! … the characters were really interesting (loved Jovai) and liked watching her and Yaku Shaman’s dynamic unfold, and thought it was clever how there are so many ‘real world’ issues weaved in through the plot to make it a nice blend of gritty reality and fantasy. I think this book is actually pretty hard to categorize, or even compare it to other books because I honestly can’t think of others like it… as it encompasses so many elements, from spirits to philosophy to action and drama, fight for freedom and battles to survive and be accepted, finding strength and powers, love and betrayal. … I really got into it I couldn’t put it down!
The writing was lovely, and I’ve definitely never read anything like this before… B. Muze infuses a unique, intelligent and creative blend of mystical beliefs and spiritual practices, primitive cultures… This book covers so, so much and it’s almost as literary and dramatic and philosophical as it is ‘magic/fantasy’… B. Muze tackles many complex subjects that will force you to live outside your comfort zone and look at things differently. There is something of everything – a strong female lead, action, fighting, personal growth, romance, and an ending that will have you reaching for the sequel.
“B. Muze is unarguably a very gifted writer, but more than that she genuinely impressed me with her strong world building and sheer creativeness on many levels…when something this original comes along it is a refreshing change of pace! Some of the writing was downright lyrical in the simple elegance of the prose, and other times I was nearly breathless from the intensity and violent passion. For such a long book I finished it quicker than usual, and went through so many highs and lows, it felt like a rollercoaster.”
“I enjoyed “The Shaman’s Apprentice” by author B. Muze … This felt more like a unique character-drama (under very strange circumstances – with shamans and curses and spirits and all) to me than anything and I was really impressed! I really liked the world she created here and the roles with the different characters … it is so much more than just ‘good vs evil’/ “right vs wrong’ but looking at the world and its mechanisms in a whole new way… very easy to grasp the complex (and important!) ideas that Muze puts forth, and the result is a story that in unpredictable and engaging. Has sort of a ‘surreal’ vibe that I really liked, and the narrative prose was really strong. … One thing I really liked was how frequently I was surprised at some things that happened – this isn’t some generic, predictable tale but something new and visionary (pun intended).”
“I for one have never read a book that had such a readable storyline about something that could easily be very complicated!… I was engaged until the end… my jaw was open more than once!… Recommend for supernatural and fantasy fans who want a complex, yet engaging literary read that is really different from much that is out there. A very promising start to an exciting series. Looking forward to reading more from B. Muze!”
“Intelligently imaginative, yet rooted in reality… “The Shaman’s Apprentice” by B. Muze is a great book for fans of alternative fiction, paranormal & fantasy, action, drama and light romance, etc. … B. Muze did a great job of bringing in a unique voice and making the story wholly her own, and giving it a fresh feel… it is still riveting with more depth that I initially expected. … the ending will make you wish there was more! Interesting characters who are relatable, and profound and insightful observations on Jovai’s place in her world and society will take you along for this surreal, supernatural journey.”
“I was in no way prepared for how totally addicting this novel would be, and the sheer magnitude of this incredibly visualized world, the intriguing characters (especially Jovai), the multi plots that break the mold and far surpass anything I remotely expected…it is an epic work of spiritual and fantastical fiction, yes, but it has so many elements of real life, humanity and the world/culture imbedded throughout… it’s just so interesting to read the speculative fiction that examines different ideas and realities and the deeper possibilities that are beyond our immediate vision. The way B. Muze writes is captivating from the beginning and you just want to keep reading and reading and not stop. It is both descriptive and has great world building (important for a fantasy/sci-fi) but also is interesting and has a hint of mystery/suspense throughout so that you aren’t bored (you can tell there’s more to the story than we know). I was reading as fast as I could (especially toward the end), and even though it’s a pretty long book, I was disappointed when it was over. I wanted more!! This is going to be an amazing series (This is just book 1 of a series) and I would love to read the next one!”
“Brilliantly crafted and written…This world she creates here is impressively conceived… The story is intelligent and deep – soulful—, yet quirky enough to keep you hooked… There are several big reveals that continue to shift the dynamic of the storyline in unexpected ways… it was intense!!”
“Fear and mystery intertwine in debut author Muze’s first installment of a primitive fantasy series. …The storytelling here evokes classic folktales and mythology, but the setting feels unique and new. Not only that, the characters come across as genuinely human despite their many curious qualities… Jovai in particular is a resourceful, likable protagonist … engrossing fantasy. Mythic forces and novel worldbuilding create a kinetic adventure in this promising series debut.”
Kirkus’s’ Reviews
Kirkus’s’ Reviews
“The Shaman’s Apprentice” is an incredible book that introduces us to the mythical world of author B. Muze and what a crazy, fantastical, marvelous world it is! It is wickedly imaginative and pulls no punches in drawing from almost every available literary element available. This is a rare novel that I thought had almost everything, to personal discovery, coming of age, familial/societal relationships, fantasy/supernatural and magic, danger, intellect and passion…it’s hard not to find something you like. Sometimes I felt like I was in a dream world or something transcendental while reading this, and nothing is predictable or what you think will happen. Kept me turning the pages late into the night! One thing I’ll say is that I was impressed with how well the author B. Muze wrote it because narrative prose is just lovely. Such a treat to read!”
“One senses just how much B. Muze, author of The Shaman’s Apprentice, enjoyed writing this wonderful story. We enjoy The Shaman’s Apprentice all that much more, not just for its intricate plot line and the emotions stirred in us by the unforgettable characters, but also for how beautifully this story is written…it’s impossible to finish The Shaman’s Apprentice and not continue thinking about it. This story is so much more than a brilliantly written fantasy!”