B. Muze

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Reader Reviews of “Jovai: The Vohee Song”
Book 1 of “The Shaman’s Apprentice” series

New Release!
“Jovai: The Vohee Song”
Ebook is FREE on Amazon.com
1-5 November, 2023!

In 2018 I released “The Shaman’s Apprentice” book 1 of the “Jovai” series to multiple international awards and rave reviews, with readers clamoring for the next book.

Now, switching the book and series title, “Jovai: The Vohee Song” the first book of the “Shaman’s Apprentice” series is officially launched 1 November, 2023 – 18 November 2023. The eBook is going to be available FREE from 1-5 November, followed by a limited period of price reduction to $0.99.

I’m beginning production of the audiobook and I have the second book “Latohva: Dancing Light of the Kolvas” in the hands of beta readers. It is scheduled to be released in early 2024. Sign up for my Newsletter to know exactly when it is released and when it will be on sale.

New 2023

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