I’m your typical introvert, in love with God, His world, my family and close friends, stories, words, and music. My pen name, officially Briana Ayala Muze, aka Bri Ayala Muze, aka B. Muze, is not my real name. I write fiction, which by definition is not factually true. My stories are set in places that, I hope, seem real, but exist only in my dreams and imagination. Despite all this, I’m as honest as any storyteller can be.

Through my stories, I am seeking a higher truth than mere facts can express. My soul is reaching for a deeper connection with my readers than common, social interaction allows, in a way that I hope delights you as much as it does me. I’ll also do my best to answer your questions accurately, reserving my right not to answer at all if/when they invade my privacy. Until you ask your questions, however, I cannot guess what else you could want to know about me.